Generator by Crossfrown

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Anime Character Generator (version 2.0)

Anime; generalized! Create a character of any gender, with a detailed and enormous bank of possible traits!


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
Violetsnow This uncomfortable character has strawberry blonde hair that's full of hair decs and glaring reflective eyes. They like should manga and are addicted to energy drinks. They're actually a demon.
7:30 AM on 1/29/14
MistyBlooky This is wonderful!!!!
3:01 PM on 1/16/16
UndeadYeti This earnest character has silver hair that's worn in an asymmetrical style and closed white eyes. They like demons and forget things easily. They also use a wheelchair
2:10 PM on 5/29/17
Oxy-moron Wow, so detailed! The results are pretty odd but realistic!
7:40 PM on 6/2/17
Xoriu This depressed character has silver hair that is as fluffy as sheep wool and almond-shaped brown eyes. They like demons and drop hobbies constantly. They also wear bracelets.
10:00 AM on 11/7/19
Xoriu This emotionless character has cream-coloured hair that's in a bob cut and soft pink eyes. They like superheroes and forget things easily. They're actually a werewolf.
10:23 AM on 11/7/19
savvysapphic I love this so much!! Very useful for when I can't think of character concepts :D
7:45 AM on 9/7/22

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Mike and Joe