Rompers for Guys: All Is Lost
Posted on | May 17, 2017 | Comments Off on Rompers for Guys: All Is Lost
We are now supposed to just accept that there are rompers for guys like it’s some kind of inevitable conclusion to a fashion question that nobody asked. Based on the photo above they look like something that’s supposed to be incredibly comfortable but incredibly isn’t. The colors and patterns look like a Key West nightclub threw up.
The bros behind the Kickstarter campaign behind these unfortunate abominations wanted to create something that was different, not too corporate and, apparently made it look like the earth was being taken over by giant, unshaven toddlers.
Looking for a Name Generator?
Posted on | April 29, 2017 | Comments Off on Looking for a Name Generator?
People often come to Generatorland looking for a name generator they have in mind so we collected some of our favorite homegrown name generator examples into one list.
Check out the collection and let us know which you think are useful or useless. Also, if you have suggestions for more, let us know in the comments. Hopefully, you’ll find what you’re looking for.
The 80’s Are Back! Crap!
Posted on | January 9, 2017 | Comments Off on The 80’s Are Back! Crap!
“President Donald Trump” sounds like it came out of a random generator on Generatorland. Maybe the “Most Unlikely U.S. President Generator.” Lena Horne and The Shamwow Guy could have been options as well.
We are about to return to a new version of the 80’s. It’s like a mass Quantum Leap! Anyway, I think now is a good time to start planning an 80’s-themed business. For instance, you could open a store that sells parachute pants and neon-colored jackets or you could deal cocaine. I also seem to remember a lot of glass block.
Biff Tannen, er, Donald Trump never wanted the 80’s to end, so let’s all reacquaint ourselves with some of the best things that came out of the 80’s:
- Things Every 80’s Kids Will Recognize Immediately From Their Childhoods
- 38 Things That Will Take ’80s Kids Back To Their Elementary School Days
- 8 Great Things From the ‘80s That I’m Keeping Alive for My Kids
Now put up your collar and up that do!
Bad Gifts Suck. We Can Help
Posted on | December 20, 2016 | Comments Off on Bad Gifts Suck. We Can Help
Bad gifts shouldn’t ruin an otherwise stressful Christmas.
Christmas is a time of love and frantic scrambling through department stores like our oxygen tanks are about to expire.
That’s because we think gift cards are bad gifts and a cop-out (even if that’s what people actually want) and we still cling to a bizarre notion that we know what’s best for someone else.
But at Generatorland our motto (as of this sentence) is “We’re here to help!” So we have not one but TWO generators to help you generate gift ideas:
Helpful Generators for Avoiding Bad Gifts
Just looking for some help brainstorming that perfect, relevant and non-sucky gift? Use this tool to generate ideas and concepts that might be suitable.
Want to just cycle through a crap-ton of actual items to find the right one? This tool has got you covered.
Less Helpful Holiday Generators:
Misfit Toy Generator
Remember The Island of Misfit Toys from the Rudolph TV movies? Well, now you can make up your own! I know right?
Elf Name Generator
Channel your inner bad elf. Your toys don’t look quite right, you give off an odd, musky scent. You just need a name.
Rock Your Food with the Guy Fieri Restaurant Menu Generator
Posted on | November 22, 2014 | Comments Off on Rock Your Food with the Guy Fieri Restaurant Menu Generator
It’s hard to hate Guy Fieri. He’s a loveable ham with no pretense, no off switch and no shortage of hair bleach. We celebrate Guy’s undignified life with The Guy Fiery Menu Generator:
Turn the Magazine Around
Posted on | October 15, 2014 | Comments Off on Turn the Magazine Around
I was standing in the checkout line at the grocery store this morning being bored and glancing around when my eyes fell on the magazines. At least that’s what they like to be called. I think that’s an insult to actual magazines personally, but whatever.
The one “magazine” that caught my eye was, wait, I’m not going to name it because I don’t want you to go look it up. The “magazine” featured Amanda Bynes on the cover and had some kind of overwrought, drama-filled and condescending headline about her having a mental breakdown. Beneath the headline was a close-up of her face, which has become unrecognizable as Amanda Bynes as I remember her.
I’ve been vaguely aware of her situation over the last few years. I’ve never been a fan of her work necessarily, I’m not even sure I remember what she was in. However, a celebrity’s work is rarely a prerequisite for media attention. In fact I suspect steady work makes celebrities less interesting for the media. Less time to get in trouble I guess. However, I knew a little more about Amanda because I’d recently read an excellent post when a friend mentioned it on Facebook. The post discusses the tragedies of mental illness and how it relates to Amanda Bynes. I won’t go into the details but you should go read it.
I was looking at this magazine and thinking that I just don’t want to see this stuff anymore. More importantly, I wish none of us had to see it anymore. We’re weak and we’re often bored. If a publisher throws a bunch of inflammatory headlines in front of us we’re probably going to look. If a hacker exposes a bunch of private photos, we’re probably going to look. It’s just our nature.
So, standing there, I decided to do something simple and probably a bit naive. I turned the magazine around. At first I thought nothing of it. I didn’t want to look at it and now I didn’t have to. However, once I moved forward in line I looked back and a woman was standing in my old spot looking toward the magazines. The magazine with Amanda Bynes on the cover was still turned around. The woman behind me was looking elsewhere. As I walked away from the register I took one more look back and the magazine was still as I’d left it.
One less person had to have their attention drawn to a sensationalized version of someone else’s tragic life designed to sell “magazines.”
That made me feel good. I can’t wait to do it again.
Fantasy Team Name Needed?
Posted on | August 5, 2014 | Comments Off on Fantasy Team Name Needed?
It’s that time of year again! Time to research, draft and drink a few frothy ones as you try to explain to your fellow fantasy team owners how you didn’t completely screw up another fantasy football draft.
One thing we can help you not screw up is your fantasy team’s name. We make it easy with our patent-pending, ultra-simple, one-button Fantasy Team Name Generator.
Just click and pick. Then try to explain taking a kicker in the sixth round.
Five Things You Young People Need to Understand
Posted on | April 29, 2014 | Comments Off on Five Things You Young People Need to Understand
I’m not really that old. I’m 45. But every now and again I feel like a cranky old man. Usually it’s after I observe a teen or twenty-something kid who thinks they have it all figured out. This is what goes through my head in those instances.
#1 No one owes you anything.
I can’t emphasize that enough. No one owes you a job, promotion, a loan, a price break, entry into a club, you name it. No one owes it to you. The sooner you realize that you are not entitled to anything “just because” the better. Now get over yourself, work hard, treat people with respect and, maybe, you will earn something good. Sure, some people will have things handed to them. Who cares? It happens. That doesn’t mean it should have happened to them or that it should happen to you.
#2 You don’t know as much as you think you know.
Neither do I. In fact, no one knows as much as they think they know. We all get up every day and learn. You might be smart. Maybe even really smart. But the guy who sells you your coffee in the morning could probably teach you something. So could the homeless woman you pass every morning. A million things happen to people in their lifetimes and there’s a good chance most haven’t happened to you yet. But you can experience them through others before they do happen to you. Ask questions. Listen to the answers.
#3 It’s never to late to plan for the future.
Eventually you’re going to be old. Being old is a lot easier if you plan for it. It’s not depressing or tragic, it’s reality. You can live in a land of make believe and fail to put money away for it or you can plan to have a pleasant and perhaps actually enjoyable time growing older. Sign up for that 401k even if you’re not sure what it is. Future you won’t think past you was a total idiot.
#4 Having stuff gets old.
Speaking of getting old, collecting crap and worrying you don’t have the latest whatever is a losing game. In the end you have a bunch of crap that you have to put in storage or throw away. Travel, spend time with your family and friends, help someone who could never help you back. If you think eternal happiness lies in a new 60 in. flat-screen TV that will be obsolete a year from now you may need to read #3 again.
#5 You can’t do anything you want.
I know, we’re taught that we can do anything, be anything, etc. It’s just not true. I was never going to be able to dunk a basketball or win a Nobel Prize in physics. I don’t have the physical tools for the first one or the intelligence for the second one. Wanting to do either one wasn’t going to change that. And that’s fine. There are a billion other things I can do. Some with really hard work, some naturally. Pick those things. Be incredible at them. Some people will dunk a basketball and some will win a Nobel Prize in Physics. But probably no one will do both.
Where are the BitCoin Alternatives?
Posted on | March 12, 2014 | Comments Off on Where are the BitCoin Alternatives?
If BitCoin is both popular and on shaky ground you’d expect a slew of alternative “cryptocurrencies” to start appearing. That hasn’t been the case but it’s likely inevitable. When the time comes, we’ll be here to help with our new BitCoin Alternative Name Generator.
5 Things That Your Online Forms Should Never Do
Posted on | February 1, 2014 | Comments Off on 5 Things That Your Online Forms Should Never Do
Hey Web site owner! I’m here to complete a form on your site because I want something you’re selling! Isn’t that great? Let me just get through this form and then you can have my money. Here we go…
Why Did You “Forget” What I Just Typed?
I finally get to the end of your form and hit “Submit” when I’m presented with a new page containing some very angry red text that scolds me about not entering a valid phone number. I feel mildly attacked, but it’s cool, I’ll go fix it. I click the “Re-enter my information” link and, well, what do you know, the form is blank. Awesome, let me fill all that back in and hope I get it right this time!

Why Did You Allow Me to Type the Wrong Thing?
Just had a thought as I was re-entering all my data. How about when I type the wrong thing in one of your fields, you go ahead and tell me before I get to the next field? Don’t want dashes in the phone number field? No problem, but that’s good information to have before I tab over to the next field.

Which brings up another point…
Why Are You Making Me Tab Out of Order?
When I hit the “Tab” button, and I might be crazy for expecting this, but I believe the cursor should move to the next field in the series. I couldn’t help noticing that when I hit tab it feels a bit like playing Whack-a-Mole since I never know which field I’m going to end up in next. I like surprises like anyone else, but, no, let me correct that. I DON’T LIKE SUPRISES!

Why Are You Using an Indecipherable CAPTCHA?
One last thing. Your CAPTCHA sucks. I’ve refreshed it three or for times now and it still looks like a Rorschach test. Could be a butterfly, could be the word “BlAtZ.” How about you choose a different CAPTCHA provider that actually provides human-readable text. Or maybe something cool and not sucky?

Why Did You Forget Who I Am?
OK, I somehow made it through your form, no small task. It just occurred to me that I want something else, so let me go order it. Hey, why are you asking me to sign in? We’ve just spent boatloads of quality time together and I told you all my personal information yet somehow I’m suddenly a stranger? Alright, tell you what, I’m going to just head over to Amazon. The prices are better anyway.