Generator by DarkChibiShadow

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Monster Girl and Boy Generator

Create fun Monster Girls and Boys to draw or use as characters!


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
Maysun Great fun!
4:01 PM on 2/2/12
Arkio Dharkaea This is more original than I thought at first. I should have given it more stars, but then again I have to compete if I want my generators in top rated.
3:52 PM on 4/22/13
Apollyna Can I not save my results with this generator?
10:20 AM on 6/8/13
mlpgenerators "Rigid Al-mi'raj girl who wears 20's fashion and dislikes Peen" that dislike tho
11:16 AM on 10/17/13
soliloquySpinner Alarmist Faun girl who wears cupcake accessories and hates Anthony. ...Whoever Anthony is. But I like the faun girl. ouo
11:00 PM on 11/25/13
Crossfrown Generator classique. I'll probably always use this thing, forever and always, and then get mad I have nothing to use my cute monster children in.
5:02 AM on 1/28/14
Let it go I don't get what all the fuss is about, its kinda wierd
12:01 PM on 5/10/14
ToTheMax "Bloody angel boy who wears sneakers and loves Government "
2:59 PM on 6/21/14
sinister101 Fair lightning spirit boy who wears a crown and dislikes Saxophone
8:49 PM on 7/13/14
DrBored Jumbled bee boy who wears white suit and thinks about Birthday - I keep getting thrown off by the last bit...
3:21 PM on 8/29/14
sinister101 Curious medusa girl who wears a monocle and likes Tadpole
5:20 PM on 10/20/14
minecraft4evas A...subsequent zombie boy...who wears a kimono and likes egypt....okay then!......
4:47 PM on 11/29/14
SweetMarshmallowPony Ambiguous dolphin girl who wears 20's fashion and wants Screwdriver.
4:28 AM on 2/19/15
sassydingo Distressed object head girl who wears a party hat and likes Alloy. Aw omg
9:42 PM on 3/15/15
sinister101 Naive cat girl who wears headphones and likes Furniture. I bet she "likes" to claw the furniture.
8:02 PM on 4/1/15
sinister101 Alleged crow boy who wears sunglasses and wants Lisa. I wonder who this "Lisa" is...
8:03 PM on 4/1/15
sinister101 Island zombie boy who wears a jean jacket and likes South Korea
8:34 PM on 4/2/15
sinister101 Unusual demon boy who wears a feather boa and thinks about Toe. I see the unusual.
8:35 PM on 4/2/15
Charowak Giggling wolf boy who wears a school girl uniform and dislikes Machine
12:17 PM on 4/6/15
Charowak is dead
12:17 PM on 4/6/15
Charowak 432563/10
12:18 PM on 4/6/15
cheesecake This is fab I wanna meet this hippie skeleton boy who wears a cape and thinks about Thailand now can we connect this site to a massive 3D printer
10:21 AM on 1/3/16
avenger139 Fidgety alien boy who wears a kimono and hates Wren Poor Wren
4:38 PM on 4/15/16
GordonRamsaysWorstNightmare Unlucky angel boy who wears a mime outfit and dislikes Wednesday.
8:05 AM on 5/17/16
UndeadYeti Foul slime boy who wears thigh high socks and hates French
10:42 AM on 5/18/17
Pludoo Russian mantis girl who wears a lab coat and wants Brush .the mantis human thing reminds me of one episode of Rick and Morty
11:02 AM on 6/13/17
limeadeom "Scintillating penanggalan boy who wears a waitress outfit and needs Pakistan" .... Well, that's... interesting
7:26 PM on 6/17/17
sleep 'Miniature jellyfish girl who wears argyle sweaters and thinks about Net' is honestly pretty cute, oh my.
12:46 AM on 7/30/17
TheGrimOne Colossal deer boy who wears lingerie and dislikes Fly. (Why do I always get the weird ones?)
3:17 AM on 8/9/17
TheGrimOne Toothsome succubus boy who wears a skirt and thinks about Examination
3:19 AM on 8/9/17
arkaya Depressed cat boy who wears sneakers and needs Liquid aw
8:11 AM on 12/17/17
arkaya Overjoyed shark boy who wears lots of earrings and loves Cousin. This one is cute
8:12 AM on 12/17/17
arkaya I should've rated this higher :c
8:12 AM on 12/17/17
arkaya Eatable slime boy who wears a tiny top hat and likes Smoke. DONT EAT HIM
9:10 AM on 12/17/17
arkaya Bloody air spirit boy who wears a kimono and wants Ink
10:30 AM on 12/18/17
A furry girl Snarling shiva girl who wears bandana and loves Toe
12:02 PM on 5/8/20
InfernoLevitate Vague ghost boy who wears complicated dresses and dislikes Dead. But you are dead....
7:39 PM on 6/23/20
wowielolv2 The details are a bit jumbled together, but otherwise very cool.
10:22 AM on 10/26/20
NikoziVanilla i think this has been the editor's recommendation for 7 years now
10:13 PM on 7/3/21
Phobia "Catholic sheep boy who wears a catholic school uniform and wants February" ngl feb is a good month
3:49 AM on 7/5/21
JunFerra "Formal fallen angel boy who wears fall clothing and dislikes Uganda"-I'd like to know what happened in Uganda...
6:36 AM on 11/15/21
Miragedew Inconsiderate griffin girl who wears shorts and likes trees
4:20 PM on 3/20/22
4:21 PM on 3/20/22

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