Generator by J-Ho

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Presidents Getting Busy

Do you think Bill Clinton was the first? Guess again.


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J-Ho Kind of makes you wonder what Obama might be up to, don't it?
12:11 PM on 1/9/10
jarad "George Washington and Angelina Jolie in a dumpster near Inglewood" LOL
4:15 PM on 2/17/10
lordspynal Barack Obama and Haylie Duff on a farm near Springfield LoL
4:57 PM on 2/18/10
ThePelton Warren G. Harding (1921-1923) actually fathered an illegitamate child while in the white house.
2:59 PM on 5/21/10
glump "George W. Bush and Christina Aguilera under a bridge behind West Covina " I'm going to have nightmares thinking about this one.
4:41 AM on 8/30/11
ChagrinedJuju Chester A. Arthur and Denise Richards in a crack house outside of Huntsville...
1:35 PM on 1/27/13
MechaBeethoven George Washington and Amy Winehouse at school outside of Lexington-Fayette ?!
2:48 PM on 1/5/14
homuncularquidnunc Benjamin Harrison and Uma Thurman at the butcher behind Gary...Probably supposed to be Gary, Indiana but at first I thought they were standing in line behind a guy named Gary
10:37 PM on 9/2/15

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