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The Hillbilly Menu Generator
Get authentic Hillbilly cookin' down at the Swamp Shack.

Another name generator by Generatorland.


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
anchor Trashcan Porcupine Fritters with Kettle Fried Velveeta This is freakin' great!!!
7:25 AM on 2/8/10
ThePelton Reminds me of a T shirt I saw: "Roadkill Cafe: You kill 'em, we grill 'em."
2:11 PM on 5/1/10
SqueezlePrime Crock-Pot Hog Cheeks Hash with pickled Dandelions -- Granny Clampett would approve :)
2:38 PM on 4/16/11
Ravencrime Sugar-Baked Gopher Chowder with Oiled-Up Mayo/ Smoked Woodpecker with Bathtub Gin Hominy/ Barbecue Quail Socotash with Pickled Marshmallows/... for some reason i am hungry
11:14 AM on 4/29/11
lulu11 sounds like something my nana would make
7:47 PM on 4/14/12
Thirdmartin my grandmother would love this-- it would give her ideas!
8:49 PM on 5/14/12
2012nonbeliever Creative
11:21 PM on 6/11/12
Jungle333 Will never EVER let mom see this...
9:55 PM on 6/20/13
Necrosis33 Hmm... Tobacco Ham Hocks with fried Fritos, Boiled Quail Ragout with fried fiddle - head fern, and cheese filled Ground Squirrel Mush with oiled up gravy.. something for Andrew Zimmern..
2:32 AM on 5/11/14
The caped bacon Engine smoked flying squirrel stew in a hubcap of dandelions. Delicious.
8:58 PM on 6/11/15
Sylvia__Maple How did you get that custom background?
2:24 PM on 10/10/15
Ultimo Hang-Smoked Porcupine Taters with Moonshine Mayhaw Jelly Quick Smoked Coon Casserole with Ozark Powdered Milk Bourbon Carp with Bourbon Velveeta Love it <3
3:52 PM on 10/25/12

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