Generator by Elicard

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Alien Creature Generator

The only noise that intrudes upon the deafening silence is the sound of your own heartbeat. You left the party as soon as you possibly could, but it still ended up running later than you'd intended. Despite the fact that you need to be up early tomorrow for the test, you find that you just can't bring yourself to go any faster. Fear sets in, and the hair on the back of your neck is standing on end as you realize you're not alone. Cautiously, you turn to look behind you, but there's nothing there. Chuckling lightly, you face forward again and almost run into a full-fledged alien creature!


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
Elicard My latest and most complex Generator yet, featuring a total of 594,646,272 possible combinations! Hope you enjoy it.
12:16 AM on 9/8/11
kuesopop The puce-colored, man-shaped beast with eight eyes declares that he's here for your 'human horn' to sell on the black spacemarket. GOOD
6:14 PM on 9/8/11
Elicard I figured that a few Futurama and Hitchhiker's Guide references would go a long way. lol
8:05 PM on 9/8/11
glump Some really funny ideas here. Most enjoyable..
10:28 PM on 9/8/11
glump "The olive, cat-like creature with ratty wings asks if you'd be willing to star in his new space-porno flick. " porn hahaha
10:45 PM on 9/8/11
glump I wanna see Astro-Gloop and the Freak Muffins, I hear they're awesome. I have just spent 20 minutes on this one just reading the funny endings.
10:51 PM on 9/8/11
Arachnakid The ivory, stallion-looking alien with spikes sticking out of its body stammers for a moment, and then shouts 'trick or treat'. I would totally give him candy. :D
9:39 PM on 11/28/11
Evermynd The orange, human-shaped beast with five eyes roars ferociously and charges toward you.
11:21 AM on 12/8/11
SpanglingSyrinx The khaki, fish-shaped beast with gnashing fangs says that it read your online profile and thinks you're quite the hottie.
6:14 PM on 10/24/12
SpanglingSyrinx The capri-colored, crocodile-like creature holding an electric knife asks you for some Reeses' Pieces.
6:14 PM on 10/24/12
Xoriu The red, bighorn-shaped beast with a shiny crown offers you a shiny blue pin that says 'Elect Vook Chook Tokl for Intergalactic President'.
2:13 PM on 7/21/19

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