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TV Show Mash-Up
TV Show Title Mashups

What would happen if you randomly mashed together a bunch of TV show titles? Awful things mostly.

Just click the "Mash 'em Up" button and if you find a good one, save it to the Hall of Fame. If not, keep pressing. Something funny's bound to come along.

TV Show Mashup

Another name generator by Generatorland.


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ThePelton Battlestar Nun. Watch out!
6:35 PM on 9/30/10
telkol Dennis the Nun
7:18 AM on 1/26/11
SnaggletoothAnomie How I Met Your Fatman and That's My Fatman, loll......
3:15 PM on 6/28/11
555pero555 dennis the warrior princess! rotfl!
6:58 AM on 8/14/11
glump "Bosom Strokes".......this had me giggling.
5:06 AM on 8/30/11
mlpgenerators Space Sea Monsters sounds like an action thriller flick. Sci-fi, of course.
4:44 PM on 10/4/13
Shannon1986 Prison Incredible! Isn't that what SuperJail is called in some other country!
10:51 AM on 1/22/14
Shannon1986 Wheel of Men, the contestants could all be lonely single straight women and gay men, who need boyfriends desperately!
10:55 AM on 1/22/14
owlgods CSI: Beaver and Suddenly Heaven had me rolling.
11:44 PM on 9/6/15
BlindHedgehog Jack Kivorkian comes to mind in Deadliest MD.
5:10 PM on 8/23/19
BlindHedgehog Behind the Game could be cool for showing off producers who like frauding the system.
5:18 PM on 8/23/19
A username i got american soap
1:53 PM on 6/3/21

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