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The Twitter Status Generator

Sometimes the banalities of life just don't make for solid Twitter or Facebook status updates. Add a little mystery and confusion with the Twitter Status Generator.

Another name generator by Generatorland.


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
photographicCHIC105 gleefully groomed and dicovering good times. cool :)
11:41 AM on 8/28/10
gracierogers Swimming with hell?
11:39 AM on 10/19/11
Evermynd Swimmingly anal and wondering about war machines.
9:48 AM on 12/8/11
Evermynd Gloomily ransacked and getting nervous about bomb shelters.
9:49 AM on 12/8/11
partychloecool Drunkenly jittery and giving up on comfy blankets.........ok then.....
1:14 AM on 1/29/12
muddlekin Permanently enhanced and wishing I had more mail
11:07 AM on 3/15/12
soliloquySpinner Emphatically intrigued and arguing about caviar.
1:26 AM on 11/26/13
baysha Brutaly scarce and selling TV dinners
11:23 PM on 3/15/14
minecraft4evas Absolutely mangled and noodling with socks.......
7:30 PM on 11/27/14
SweetMarshmallowPony Brutally underwhelmed and ruminatin' about cheese.
11:56 AM on 12/2/14
FLOWEY222222222 Blessedly bombastic and blabbering about glue. >3
6:13 AM on 10/30/16
savvysapphic "Curiously wiped out and tired of demons." pfff..
1:57 PM on 9/12/22

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