Generator by Elicard

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The Mystical Artifact Generator

"You are the chosen one," the elderly monk informs you, raising a knobby finger close to the tip of your nose. "The reincarnation of the great wizard, Kloven, who originally defeated the Dark Forces a thousand years ago." While skeptical, you're not about to argue in the least. Your only choices are to either go along with this weird old coot, or face the gallows in the morning for your crimes. Not really a tough choice. "The Dark Forces have once again returned, and it is up to you to save our world from eternal darkness. But in order to do so, you must travel to the Ancient World and retrieve Kloven's powerful weapon." Even if the old monk is an utter loon, it sounds like there might be some valuable swag involved. With a coy grin, you accept the geezer's proposal. He pays your bail, and all you have to do now is find the weird artifact, this so-called


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
kuesopop Very good, you spent your time on this. 5 STAR! And also how did you get the info? Comment quick please.
7:37 AM on 9/8/11
Elicard I added my own words/phrases for everything except the proper name of the artifact, and the country. It's 75% custom.
10:41 AM on 9/8/11
kuesopop thanks for the fast response!
6:16 PM on 9/8/11
2012nonbeliever Cool
8:06 PM on 9/15/12

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