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The Celebrity Throwdown Generator

Take two random celebrities and pit them against each other in a random contest of skill. Prepare to defend your answer! Wagering encouraged!


Make it a party game! Invite your friends!

Another name generator by Generatorland.


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
Arachnakid Abe Lincoln would totally beat Einstein at picking out fruit. :D Hilarious!
11:44 PM on 8/25/10
napdynmite I don't know. My money would be on Einstein. I imagine he has a formula for picking fruit.
10:35 AM on 8/26/10
photographicCHIC105 lol i agree napdynamite
12:18 PM on 8/28/10
photographicCHIC105 mark twain woud beat rudy giuliani at plotting a crime for sure? watcha think?
12:19 PM on 8/28/10
photographicCHIC105 or maybe rudy would......idk really
12:20 PM on 8/28/10
telkol I'd say Arnold Schwarzenegger would be better at convincing a jury than Amanda Bynes, he just seems more intimidating to me
10:36 PM on 1/25/11
kuesopop Ross Perot vs. Tiger Woods Who's Better at: Making lasagna?
6:46 PM on 9/23/11
Stanislav93 Rush Limbaugh vs. Rush Limbaugh: Belching What the...?
3:52 PM on 10/5/11
YogiDragon Zac Efron vs. Lindsay Lohan: Who's Better at: Hailing a Cab I choose Zac Efron cause who would pay attention to a thief/druggie?
4:08 PM on 4/14/12
2012nonbeliever Genius
11:03 PM on 6/11/12
2012nonbeliever Muhammad Ali vs. Ayatollah Khomeini Who's Better at: Judo?
11:04 PM on 6/11/12
CHGuenette Homer Simpson vs. Scooby-Doo: Who's better at giving a sidewalk tracheomety?
9:12 PM on 9/13/13
Shannon1986 Rodney Dangerfield vs. Paris Hilton Who's Better at: Carjacking?
9:37 PM on 1/4/14
Shannon1986 Ozzy Osbourne vs. Beethoven Who's Better at: Whistling Louder?
9:39 PM on 1/4/14
Shannon1986 Elton John vs. Ozzy Osbourne Who's Better at: Pillow Fighting?
9:40 PM on 1/4/14
Necrosis33 Henry Winkler vs. Elizabeth Taylor: Who would be better at hunting?
3:12 AM on 5/11/14
Necrosis33 Stephen King vs. Kevin Bacon whose better at spitting watermelon seeds.
3:14 AM on 5/11/14
Tigerlily Kermit the Frog vs. Miley Cyrus Who's Better at Performing Shakespeare? I've waited my whole life for this question.
12:57 PM on 10/1/14
homuncularquidnunc Ashlee Simpson vs. Bart Simpson Who's Better at: Finding a table in a crowded food court?
10:31 PM on 9/2/15
homuncularquidnunc Catwoman vs. Marvin Gaye: Who's Better at Picking Up Members of the Same Sex? Probably Catwoman, I think?
6:49 PM on 9/29/15
homuncularquidnunc Joe Dimaggio vs Macaulay Culkin: who's better at throwing a, the professional baseball player?
6:51 PM on 9/29/15
UndeadYeti Neil Armstrong vs. Denzel Washington Who's Better at: Performing Shakespeare?
7:07 PM on 5/31/17
Mongo19 Jim Jones vs. Conan o Brien who is better at knot tying lol idk tbh
10:08 AM on 6/19/20

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