Generator by napdynmite

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People Doing Things to Animals

People have fun (or not) with animals.


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
jarad Charlotte Healed the Mare probably the best one.
4:33 PM on 1/24/10
sonicfan101 yea XD
6:59 AM on 5/24/10
ThePelton Jacob obeyed a groundhog. Bring me carrots! Bring me carrots!
2:51 PM on 8/23/10
dramamine213 Elbert Banged the Buffalo... sounds about what I figured the generator would be about.
7:43 PM on 8/24/10
photographicCHIC105 Kurtis Colored the wat color? pink?
12:32 PM on 8/28/10
glump "Dorian Rammed a Reindeer " what santa's sleigh team get up to in their time off is no one's business....
11:22 PM on 8/30/11
sinister101 Zelma Spilled a Horse
5:33 PM on 10/20/14
minecraft4evas Rodger Deserved a Donkey, but Dennis deserved a hedgehog more, but he dripped it. So instead, Rich came and pasted the peccary.
7:19 PM on 11/27/14
minecraft4evas Carl Packed a wat's an argali? is it purple?
7:38 PM on 11/27/14
sassydingo Greg Baked the Rat UM
6:51 PM on 3/23/15
sassydingo Greg Baked the Rat UM
6:51 PM on 3/23/15
UndeadYeti Tabitha Reminded the Raccoon
6:26 PM on 5/28/17
savvysapphic "Morgan damaged a squirrel" .... emotionally or physically???
11:39 AM on 3/9/22

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Mike and Joe