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The Mudslinging Generator
It's never too late to launch a scathing assault on your political opponent with some good old-fashioned mudslinging. Whether you're a republican, democrat or independent, throw truth, decorum, and common decency out the window and generate your attack with this handy mudslinging tool.
political attack
political attack generator

Another name generator by Generatorland.


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
ThePelton Does Ann Coulter use this site?
1:40 PM on 5/8/10
gracierogers My opponent never eats meat, can't carry a tune and speaks in vague generalities! Shock, horror!
11:41 AM on 10/19/11
2012nonbeliever I like
11:19 PM on 6/11/12
Smaners1222 My oponent is a mudslinger, kicks children, and treats children poorly. Poor kidd
8:49 PM on 9/21/12
Arkio Dharkaea My opponent spends more time on his monthly haircut than I spend on mortgage, is a sinner, and abuses his wife. Sounds like he's LaVey.
11:21 PM on 7/3/13
Necrosis33 Found this one mostly true in many ways: My opponent really stinks up the bathroom, failed history and has a senseless health care most true
2:51 AM on 5/11/14
Mapcap2015 My opponent is closet cross-dresser, is friends with Paris Hilton and is inexperienced. He sounds FABULOUS!
5:15 PM on 1/24/15
OCDNamAholic My opponent has fleas, snores like a foghorn, talks out of both sides of his mouth.
1:17 PM on 8/15/17
OCDNamAholic My opponent is missing several key teeth, has an unsightly rash, and trips old ladies in the park. Can't stop laughing LOL
1:20 PM on 8/15/17
HCS86 My opponent lies incessantly, giggles like a school girl and strangles puppies
10:26 PM on 3/23/18
Littleluv04 My opponent sniffs glue, strangles puppies and is a mudslinger.
6:33 PM on 9/23/21

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