Generator by MechaBeethoven

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The Mad AI Generator

Hit the Initiate button to whip up an Artificial Intelligence with an attitude problem, the nature of the attitude problem, and the program's former function.


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MechaBeethoven One of my favorites, and actually quite simple--but very versatile. My favorite results: EVE 10, Vindictive Climate Control; PHOEBE 5000, 'Forgetful' Security System; and VOX 2000, Schizo Colony Defense.
5:20 PM on 11/4/13
MechaBeethoven It also gave me NOAH 10: 'Forgetful' Climate Control once. Hm...
5:21 PM on 11/4/13
MechaBeethoven I have updated this one. It now has more names, more numbers, more emotions, more functions, and in addition, what sort of weapons the AI will bring to bear against mankind, what weapons might work against it, and a final warning.
6:04 PM on 1/11/14
SqueezlePrime Where's the GINA model? I like this one: "PHOEBE 180: Playful Planet Core. Favors security robots. Vulnerable to EMPs. Treat with extreme caution."
3:01 AM on 1/25/14
MechaBeethoven Added Gina.
5:56 PM on 3/21/14

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Mike and Joe