Generator by treebranch1

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It can't happen here....or can it?

In one state, legislators passed a law that opened librarians and bookstore owners to criminal prosecution unless they removed materials deemed unsuitable for the youngest of minors from shelves intended to serve older minors and adults. The law also mandated that public libraries adopt procedures allowing books to be challenged based on their “appropriateness,” a statutorily undefined term not based on constitutional standards. This provision would have allowed one person’s opinion to limit the reading choices of everyone else in the community.


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treebranch1 Posted 5 Nov. 2024.
7:15 PM on 11/5/24
whatever1013 5 stars!!!
5:07 AM on 11/6/24
whatever1013 "animal nudity" lol! well, if animal nudity offends them, they should go put pants on a polar bear.
5:20 AM on 11/6/24
treebranch1 Inspired by reading J, Y, and YA books that have been banned. And recently reading "That Librarian" non-fiction, by A. Jones.
2:48 PM on 11/6/24

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