Generator by whatever1013

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treebranch1 I did click the clustershow link...
9:32 PM on 11/2/24
whatever1013 thanks! i was hoping you'd show up! i don't like drupal for content creation, but it does handle user management ok. i really don't want to fart around with user stuff. i just want to make some generators when the mood strikes, ya know?
2:11 AM on 11/3/24
treebranch1 I know a person who worked for 10 years as an architect level programmer/developer. Am asking them if they have any suggestions.
6:23 PM on 11/3/24
whatever1013 great!!!! i'm still noodling around with javascript. i did check the source code as much as I can, but a lot of it just won't show up cause it references other scripts I don't have access to.
12:00 AM on 11/4/24
whatever1013 oh! i hope you went to and not just - the intro part doesn't have anything really. it's all in the back end.
12:40 AM on 11/4/24
treebranch1 Suggestion from a person on the forum that I moderate: "...LLM (A.I.) to help you to code an entirely new and improved site/clone of that old one? Its a very good idea. As like maybe, maybe, a last case scenario?"
2:59 PM on 11/5/24
whatever1013 yay!!! i definitely have some ideas for improvement, but just getting the basics up and running would be great!
5:16 AM on 11/6/24
treebranch1 I would gladly help, if there were some way that I could help.
10:31 AM on 11/7/24
treebranch1 Tried to make an account and Log In, but my password was too dumb and I didn't get to.....
2:07 PM on 11/7/24
whatever1013 that's a drupal thing. it handles all of the user interface stuff. Argh! and now it locked ME out. grrr! yeah, I really don't like drupal right now.
3:38 AM on 11/8/24
whatever1013 actually, i show a username of "tree" listed. i just sent you an email through the system. i won't be able to see your email and it keeps you anonymous (which is one of the few thing I like about drupal).
3:44 AM on 11/8/24
treebranch1 I can't figure out how to make it work. I tried a new password. I tried "manage password" Failure. Should I try an entirely different Username in order to make an account?
7:16 PM on 11/9/24
whatever1013 maybe? i show you as an active user and you've been authenticated, so it should work. yeah, maybe try a different username. though it might block it if you're using the same email address. it did that to me when I made a second account to test it.
10:13 PM on 11/9/24
treebranch1 I tried the *manage password* thing again. Theoretically I will receive an email telling me how to Reset my Password.
6:50 PM on 11/10/24
whatever1013 excellent! hope it works!
11:08 PM on 11/10/24
treebranch1 Hmmm....I was going to say I'd rec'd nothing, then I thought of looking in my spam. Yes, that's where it went.
9:22 PM on 11/11/24
treebranch1 I couldn't log in.
9:30 PM on 11/11/24
whatever1013 well poop.
6:56 AM on 11/12/24

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