Generator by whatever1013

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Cocktail Mixer

Shaken or stirred, this generates random cocktail recipes for your alcoholic pleasure. Or not. I make no guarantees as to the drinkability. YMMV


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whatever1013 "Start with 2 Shots of Amaretto in a glass. Add 7-Up and Ginger Ale to fill. OPTION: add a splash of Amaretto OPTIONAL GARNISH: Lemons" Obviously needs some work. :-)
7:18 AM on 11/18/17
treebranch1 Will you be test driving these IRL?
12:18 PM on 11/18/17
whatever1013 lol! no, but i thought it'd be a hoot. i think i got the idea from one of your generators.
6:47 PM on 11/20/17
whatever1013 "Start with 2 Shots of Scotch in a glass. Add 7-Up and Club Soda to fill. OPTION: add a splash of Amaretto OPTIONAL GARNISH: Lemons" a waste of perfectly good Scotch. ;-)
6:48 PM on 11/20/17
treebranch1 Probably not this one>
3:12 PM on 11/29/17
whatever1013 no, not that one, but it was still fun!
3:36 AM on 12/2/17
treebranch1 In case you don't look back where you asked me: Yes, there is a size limit. It can be very sensitive. Like removing one word may be enough. Using "&" instead of "and" can be useful.
12:21 PM on 2/16/18
whatever1013 Thanks! I did some edits for the D-List Villians. I just edited out all the "normal" hobbies and sports/fitness related things and it seemed to do the trick. Thanks again!
11:05 AM on 2/17/18

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