Generator by Meme man

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Undertale Fanfiction Generator

This generator is a creation of sin, and by using it, you will become the ultimate form of Undertale trash. Enjoy! :)


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
Generatorthegenerator "River Person marries River Person and they become best friends. Later, Aaron dies."
10:25 AM on 3/3/16
Riley "The Nice Cream Guy proposes to the Nice Cream Guy and they start a family together. Later, Woshua brutally murders them in their sleep."
1:05 AM on 8/16/16
InfernoLevitate Burgerpants kills Sans for no reason. Later, Grillby goes on a killing spree. Can someone tell me where Burgerpants is? I must avenge Sans.
7:44 PM on 6/23/20
InfernoLevitate Mettaton has a crush on Greater Dog and they cook spaghetti together. Later, Doggo cooks spaghetti. Spaghettitale xd
8:05 PM on 6/23/20
dscrib "Sans gives birth to Flowey and gets rejected. Later, Papyrus discovers the meaning of life." I have several questions.
11:26 AM on 8/18/21
dscrib Muffet goes on a date with Gaster and nothing happens. Later, Doggo dies.
11:27 AM on 8/18/21
NotAVeryCreativeName Mad Dummy kisses Chara and they fight to the death. Later, Gaster becomes ruler of the Underground
12:53 PM on 12/26/21

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Stay random,

Mike and Joe